Saturday Apr 26, 2025
Mike Kimzey, 502 955 0425 10TH ANNIVERSARY! Past Event Photos: Discount Smokes proudly presents our 10TH ANNUAL DERBY CITY BOURBON & CIGAR BASH benefiting Cigars for Warriors! Join us for an evening of Cigars, Bourbon, Music, and so much more, all for a great cause, happening once again at the beautiful South Park Country Club. This will be THE CIGAR EVENT OF THE YEAR! There will be a Cash Bar, Bourbon,Massage Tent, TONS of Door Prizes, and the DEEPEST DISCOUNTS ON CIGARS from all of our Cigar Manufacturers attending this year’s Bash! Again this year, EVERYONE gets in at 3PM! TICKETS WILL BE $150. All tickets include 3PM EVENT ADMISSION, food, cigars, swag bag, and so much more. We will have some surprises for our 10th Anniversary so don't miss it! Spouse tickets will be available again this year for $50 (Spouse tickets do not include cigars, swag bag, or door prize ticket). Reserved Tables: Available in the seating area for groups of 8 or more with paid ticket confirmation. If you wish to reserve a table for your group, and all parties have confirmed PAID tickets, you must contact us at (502)955-0425 or [email protected] to reserve your table. All Amission Tickets include ONE door prize ticket for our general door prize pool. Cigars for Warriors will also have a door prize pool of their own in which tickets can be earned through donation of cigars or cash donation. Cigars for Warriors is a nonprofit organization, that through donations, provides cigars and cigar accessories to our service men and women serving in combat zones, and those deployed long-term all over the globe. They will be giving away a CUSTOM DCCB CUTTER donated by Hutch. The DERBY CITY BOURBON & CIGAR BASH is presented to you by Discount Smokes- Louisville’s Premier Smoke Shop & Cigar Lounge. Established in 2003, Discount Smokes is a full service tobacco and cigar shop featuring a walk-in humidor, and the ONLY INDOOR CIGAR LOUNGE with a Louisville address. Serving the Louisville area for the last 22 years, we specialize in all things tobacco, with an amazing selection of premium hand-rolled cigars, and the friendliest staff around. Open 7 days a week from 8AM to 8PM, stop in today for all your smoking needs! Discount Smokes has partnered with South Park Country Club to bring you this amazing event. South Park Country Club, Louisville’s most relaxed, and most affordable private club, located on 275 acres of beautiful, scenic land, with 40 acres of lake, will be there to talk with you about their facilities and everything they have to offer.
Derby City Bourbon & Cigar Bash
Date and Time
3:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
3PM - 10PMFees/Admission
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